Did you know that 47% of people say they regularly feel overwhelmed at work? And that more than a quarter of employees report an unhealthy balance between their work and personal life?*
That’s pretty rough. But it doesn’t have to be. Companies that foster positive company culture and prioritize employee satisfaction and happiness will stand out above the rest in an increasingly competitive employee marketplace.
While it can be challenging to measure something as crucial yet intangible as employee satisfaction, it’s comforting to know that no person is an island and there are tools out there to help you gauge how your people are feeling and make improvements so you can go the distance together. Ask the right employee satisfaction survey questions with this curated template and start tuning in to satisfaction levels in your workplace.
* According to Officevibe data
Assess your organization’s employee experience in minutes

What's in this article
- What is employee satisfaction?
- Why is it important to survey employee satisfaction?
- How to survey employee satisfaction
- 10 Employee satisfaction survey question examples
- Benefits of using employee satisfaction surveys
- How often should you conduct an employee satisfaction survey?
- What to do with your employee satisfaction survey results
- How Officevibe can help you measure employee satisfaction
What is employee satisfaction?
Employee satisfaction: the industry term on everybody’s lips – with good reason. Also known as job satisfaction, it refers to how content an employee is with their:
- Daily tasks
- Relationship with manager and peers
- Workplace culture
- Salary, benefits, and perks
- Overall employee experience
Employee satisfaction is the cornerstone of any successful organization. Most professionals are no longer content with simply clocking in and biding their time at the office; employees want to immerse themselves in productive and meaningful work, feel connected to the company’s culture, and feel valued for the time and effort they contribute to the big picture.
Why is it important to survey employee satisfaction?
Don’t discount the importance of employee satisfaction: according to recent Officevibe data, 53% of employees who answered our Pulse Survey questions have searched for a new job in the past year. Considering that so many have actively sought new professional opportunities, companies should be looking at implementing long-term solutions to boost employee engagement and satisfaction and improve employee retention if they want to assert themselves as forces to be reckoned in their industry.
Happy employees are generally more engaged and productive, but did you also know that higher employee satisfaction also results in:
- Lower turnover rates
- Better collaboration (with peers and leadership)
- Stronger company loyalty
- More positive brand association
Psst! Learn more about the importance of employee satisfaction and how improving it can make for a more engaged workforce.
How to survey employee satisfaction
While there are many ways for HR professionals and team leaders to measure job satisfaction, the most important thing is to actually check in on how your employees feel about the organization and their positions within it. Let’s dive into some of the ways you can gauge employee engagement and satisfaction.
Pulse surveys
If you’re not sure where to start on your quest to assess employee satisfaction, pulse surveys may be your new best friend. Workplace pulse surveys generally feature a short series of questions meant to give managers a clear understanding of how their teams are feeling on a range of topics including:
- Work-life balance
- Company culture
- Work environment
- Employee engagement
- Employee well-being
Employee satisfaction survey questions can be answered using a qualitative sliding scale (i.e. strongly agree - strongly disagree), or with a quantitative scale (i.e. 1-10). It’s also important to note that survey answers should be anonymous to ensure employees feel comfortable giving honest feedback. Keep your questions concise, and opt for fewer questions to avoid survey fatigue.
Resources like Officevibe’s employee pulse survey tool help you ask the right questions to gather insight into what your company is doing well for your employees, and how it can improve employee satisfaction and increase engagement.
Anonymous employee feedback channels
Another great way to measure employee satisfaction is to create a safe space for your people to express themselves freely and give their honest opinions on anything from company initiatives and culture to how happy they are with their career progression or with their role within the business.
Gathering anonymous employee feedback will help you get a clearer picture of how you can improve as a manager, overcome roadblocks, and foster a healthier and happier workplace for all your employees.
One-on-one meetings
Along with annual performance reviews, holding more frequent one-on-one meetings with your employees will help you get a better sense of how satisfied your people are with their jobs. These meetings can be formal, scheduled sessions or shorter, more informal touchpoints throughout the week or month.
Regardless of how frequently you hold your one-on-one meetings or send out your pulse surveys, it’s fundamental to be thoughtful with how you respond to this feedback so that your employees feel seen and valued.
💡Need a hand coming up with some talking points in your next chat? Try these useful one-on-one meeting questions.
10 Employee satisfaction survey question examples
Now that you’re filled in on the ways you can check in on your team and measure their job satisfaction, we’ve gone ahead and put together a list of some employee satisfaction survey questions you might want to introduce into your next satisfaction survey.
- Do you feel like you have all the resources you need to succeed at your job?
- Do you feel like there is an opportunity for career growth here in this organization?
- How reasonable do you feel your workload levels are right now?
- Are you satisfied with the frequency of recognition you receive?
- Do you enjoy what you’re currently working on?
- How would you rate your work-life balance?
- Do you feel you are fairly compensated in your current role in the organization?
- Do you feel a sense of fulfillment from your work?
- How satisfied are you with the number of touchpoints you have with your manager?
- How would you rate your employer-employee relationship?
To generate deeper feedback from your employees, consider including a section where they can expand on their answers. With Officevibe, employees have the option of keeping their feedback anonymous so they can feel comfortable giving their honest opinions.
Want more question ideas? Check out these 30 employee satisfaction survey questions that are sure to produce actionable results.
Benefits of using employee satisfaction surveys
The benefits of conducting an employee satisfaction survey are endless, especially if you’re using a dedicated platform where you can centralize all of your questions and responses. When you can keep track of what matters to your employees, you’ll be able to highlight problem areas and nip issues in the bud before they escalate, or keep improving on what they think makes your organization great.
Conducting an employee satisfaction survey gives your people the opportunity to express their opinions, builds trust between the management team and their direct reports, and fosters a culture of transparent dialogue.
💡Compliment your employee satisfaction surveys with Officevibe’s guide to employee engagement surveys to get the full picture of how your team is really feeling.
How often should you conduct an employee satisfaction survey?
Every business operates differently, so it’s only natural that the frequency at which they’ll send satisfaction surveys will vary. There’s no universal rule of thumb for how often you should conduct a survey, but we recommend against only sending lengthy and time-consuming annual surveys. Instead, opt for shorter, more frequent touchpoints.
Before sending out your surveys, build yourself a schedule or plan based on your employees’ needs and workloads; the whole point of sending out an employee satisfaction survey is to identify how you can boost your team’s happiness, so make sure it works for them!
What to do with your employee satisfaction survey results
Conducting a staff satisfaction survey is the first step toward fostering a happier employee experience for your team, but how you address the feedback you collect is arguably the most crucial piece of the puzzle.
Recent Officevibe data shows that 52% of managers reviewed survey results but took no action; don’t become another casualty of this unfortunate statistic and act on the data you collected. Remember that employee satisfaction looks different for everyone, so take the time to discuss employee survey results with your team individually to brainstorm new ideas and initiatives together.
How Officevibe can help you measure employee satisfaction
There’s really nowhere to go but up when you take the time to listen to what matters most to your people.
Employee experience platforms like Officevibe make it easier for you to gather data-backed insights to help you brainstorm new initiatives for both employee and company growth and success. We like to think that a bigger picture is a better picture, and Officevibe can help you get a clearer understanding of how you can engage your teams and turn insight into action.
Request a free demo and learn why Officevibe is trusted by more than 3,200 businesses worldwide.
Equip HR and managers with tools to engage, recognize, and drive performance.