Stay interviews are a proactive and strategic tool to enhance employee retention and satisfaction within an organization. Think of them as opportunities to zero in on how your team members feel about loyalty and what's making them stick around (or wonder about greener pastures). By introducing the Stay Interview Template, we provide managers with a structured method to conduct these crucial conversations. This template helps uncover valuable insights into what keeps employees engaged and committed, facilitating necessary adjustments and improvements in the team.
Stay interview template

Understanding stay interviews
Stay interviews are distinct from exit interviews or regular performance reviews. They focus on current employees and seek to understand their reasons for staying with the organization, unlike exit interviews, which explore reasons for departure after the fact. Conducting stay interviews can lead to increased employee engagement, reduced turnover, and a stronger, more positive organizational culture.
💡 Learn more about stay interviews and why managers should have them.
Preparing for a stay interview
Effective stay interviews require thorough preparation to make sure that the conversation is both meaningful and productive:
- Review past interactions and notes related to the employee to maintain continuity and relevance.
- Assess the employee's recent achievements and any changes in their workload or organizational context.
- Develop a tailored set of questions that reflect the specific circumstances and roles of the employee, aiming to address their unique contributions and concerns.
Conducting the stay interview
Creating the right environment for a stay interview meeting is crucial for its success:
- Choose a private and quiet setting to ensure the discussion remains confidential and free from distractions.
- Maintain a focused and respectful tone throughout the interview to encourage open and honest communication.
- Use the "Stay Interview Template" to guide the conversation effectively:
- Start with an initial check-in to gauge the employee's current feelings and level of engagement.
- Explore key factors that influence their decision to stay with the company.
- Address any potential improvements that could enhance their work experience and satisfaction.
Key questions and discussion points
The template includes several strategic questions designed to provide deep insights into the employee's perspective. Here are a few examples:
- "What makes this place a great place to work for you?" This question helps identify the positive aspects that contribute to employee satisfaction.
- "What could tempt you to leave our organization?" Understanding potential deal-breakers is crucial for preemptive action.
- "How do you feel about the support and growth opportunities provided here?" This assesses the effectiveness of development and support structures within the organization.
Handling sensitive topics with care ensures employees feel valued and genuinely heard, reinforcing their trust in management and the organization.
Actionable outcomes and follow-up
Summarizing the discussion and agreeing on actionable steps are essential for making stay interviews effective:
- Document key points and agreed-upon actions to make sure both you and your team members are clear on the outcomes.
- Schedule regular follow-ups to review changes and continue adapting to the employee's needs.
- Demonstrate a genuine commitment to implementing the discussed changes, which is critical for maintaining trust and engagement.
Stay interviews: An HR management essential
Stay interviews are a powerful tool for building a supportive and engaging work environment. They enable managers to proactively address potential issues and reinforce the employees' value to the organization.
Download the Stay Interview Template now to discover what motivates your team members to stay committed and engaged, helping you retain top talent.
And for more management tools to help you confidently lead, check out the full suite of templates in the HR Toolbox.
Efficient, effective, empowering
Managing a team requires clarity, foresight, and organization. The HR Toolbox simplifies these challenges, providing structured templates to guide your most critical interactions. Each template includes:
- Best Practices: Clear guidelines to enhance your managerial approach.
- Talking Points and Sample Questions: Ready-to-use prompts to ensure productive discussions.
- Tailored Plans and Agendas: Get everything you need for the task, from checklists to suggested schedules.
What's included in the HR Toolbox:
- One-on-One Meeting Agenda Template: Establish a consistent routine with comprehensive agendas and essential talking points for effective one-on-one meetings.
- Stay Interview Template: Discover what motivates your team members to stay committed and engaged, helping you retain top talent.
- Career Development Plan Template: Assist your team members in crafting their career trajectories with a guided framework for discussion and goal setting.
- Clarify Roles and Responsibilities Template: Clarify expectations and roles, bridging gaps and boosting productivity and accountability within your team.
- Addressing Poor Performance Template: Navigate conversations about performance issues with tact and constructiveness, fostering improvement and success.
Streamline processes with our HR templates